General Laboratory Equipment

Product Image (C248513324-1)

Profile Projector

Price: 40500.0 INR
Product Image (DDRI-212)


Price: 15000 INR/Piece

The Most versatile instrument for the measurement of Moisture content in Grains, Seeds and pulses, Microcontroler based with rugged mechanical construction, accurate moisture content is direct readable on 3 digit LED display, temperature and conductive results are automatically compensated for final moisture percentage reading . No conversation table is needed. SPECIFICATIONS : RANGE : 8 “ 40% (3.5 to 40% by correction factor in some commodity) ACCURACY : ± 0.2% DIMENSION : 17 x 19.5 x 29.5 cm. Weight :- 9.5Kg. Approximate (without Wooden Box. Operatable on 220v 50Hz. & 6 Battery Cell.

Product Image (C248513324-10)

Portable Digital moisture meter Plain

Price: 5500.0 INR/Piece

MICROCONTROLLER Based Portable type with light mechanical construction & accurate moisture content is direct readable on 16x2 LCD display. Results are automatically compensated for final moisture percentage reading. SPECIFICATIONS Range :- 3.5% -40% Maximum 4 commodities can be calibrated. Accuracy :- ± 0.5% Display :- 16x2 LCD Dimension :- 21x16x13cm.(Approx.) 6 Battery (cell AA) operated. Weight :- 1 Kg. Approximate

Product Image (DDRI- 004)

Water Distilled Apparatus For Physics Lab

Price: 34000 INR/Piece

Water Distilled Apparatus 10 lph with auto cut off

Product Image (DDRI-290)

Katers Pendulum For Physics Lab

Price: 1700.00 INR/Piece

Kater™s Pendulum: consist of a rod of 120 cm long 10 cm. dia with two adjustable knife edges. Two metal weight Cast Iron, Two wooden weights

Product Image (DDRI- 297)

Torsion Pendulum For Physics Lab

Torsion Pendulum: wire-hang from a universal clamp, Solid disc of 12.5 cm dia. 1.25 thickness.

Product Image (DDRI-292)

Maxwell Vibration Needle For Physics Lab

Price: 2900.00 INR/Piece

Maxwell Vibration Needle: Graduated, All Brass 40 cm. Two solid brass cylinder and two hollow brass cylinder all over length 10 cm. long, to fil the brass tube and pipe open at both end.

Product Image (DDRI - 291)

K Constant Spring For Physics Lab

Price: 3000.00 INR/Piece

K. Constant Spring: Consist with spiral spring, one vertical meter scale, on a spring hanging with a weight, fitted on a heavy Cast Iron Base

Product Image (DDRI- 296)

Sono Meter Brass Fitting For Physics Lab

Price: 1000.00 INR/Perch

Sono Meter Brass Fitting: Resonance box ( 1140 x100x85 mm), 1mtr. long scale, One brass & steel wire, two movable bridges, pulley and fixed screw.

Product Image (DDRI-294)

Poisson Ratio of Rubber Tube Apparatus For Physics Lab

Price: 1700.00 INR/Piece

Poisson Ratio of Rubber Tube Apparatus: Consist of a cycle rubber tube of 1mtr. length with pointer sloted weight hanger, clamp and rubber stopper on a Caste Iron base.

Product Image (DDRI-280)

Pendulum Bob Set of 6 different Metal dia For Physics Lab

Price: 315.00 INR/Piece

Pendulum Bob: Set of 6 different Metal, dia 12mm, Iron, Brass, Copper, AL, Zinc, Lead

Product Image (DDRI-279)

HOFFMANS Screw Clip For Physics Lab

Price: 90.00 INR/Piece

HOFFMAN™S Screw Clip: Brass Chrome Plated.

Product Image (DDRI-289)

Compound Bar Pendulum For Physics Lab

Price: 300 INR/Piece

Compound Bar Pendulum Consists of a powder coated steel bar with a no. of equidistant holes intervals of 5cm. complete with wall bracket and two removable knife edges.

Product Image (DDRI-289)

Bifilar Pendulum For Physics Lab

Price: 1300 INR/Piece

Bifilar Pendulum (Iron): Consists of a heavy cast iron rectangular plate of dimension 15x10x1.5cm. The plate is suspended by two strings of equal lengths from a rigid support (T shaped Clamp)

Product Image (DDRI-288)

Bending of beam apparatus For Physics Lab

Price: 288 INR/Piece

Bending of beam apparatus : Consisting of two G. Clamps with knife top. Comprising a metal powdered coated bar of 100cm length having width 25mm and thickness 4.5mm. A spherometer fitted on a cast iron stand.

Product Image (DDRI-286)

Compound Bar Strip For Physics Lab

Price: 80 INR/Piece

Compound Bar Strip : Available in different sizes and metals with wooden / PVC black handle.

Product Image (DDRI-284)

Bar Gauge For Physics Lab

Price: 225.00 INR/Piece

Bar & Gauge : Bar made of Mild steel iron, Chrome plated, Wooden Handle. Gauge made of Brass, Chrome plated, wooden handle. Available in : 3" & 4" size. Gauge also available in aluminium.

Product Image (DDRI-283)

Ring Ball For Physics Lab

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Ring & Ball: All brass best quality with PVC handle.

Product Image (DDRI-282)

Cube Set of Six Metal For Physics Lab

Price: 225 INR/Piece

Cube Set of Six Metal: Iron, Brass Copper, Aluminum, Lead, Zinc.

Product Image (DDRI-281)

Pendulum Bob Spare For Physics Lab

Price: 25 INR/Piece

Pendulum Bob : Spare

Product Image (DDRI-278)

Chattaway Micro Spatulas For Physics Lab

Price: 15 INR/Piece

Chattaway Micro Spatulas

Product Image (DDRI-264)

Furnace Tong For Physics Lab

Furnace Tong Cat. No. Size Type Price DDRI- 264 12 Stainless Steel 144.00 DDRI- 262-A 12 Mild Steel 112.00 DDRI- 262-B 15 Stainless Steel 200.00 DDRI- 262-C 18 Stainless Steel 240.00 DDRI- 262-D 24 Stainless Steel 560.00

Product Image (DDRI-266)

Spetulas Made of Stainless Steel For Chemistry Lab

Price: 15 INR/Piece

Spetulas: Made of Stainless Steel sheet, heavy, one end spoon and one end flat.

Product Image (DDRI-277)

Micro Spatulas For Physics Lab

Price: 15.00 INR/Piece

Cat. No. Size Price DDRI- 277 4 15.00 DDRI- 277-A 6 18.00 DDRI- 277-B 8 20.00 DDRI- 277-C 10 28.00 DDRI- 277-D 12 48.00

Product Image (DDRI-264)

Cork Borer German Type all brass For Physics Lab

Cat. No. Model Price DDRI- 264 Set of Three 400.00 DDRI-264-A Set of x 816.00 DDRI- 264-B Set of Twelve 2080.00

Product Image (DDRI-263)

Crucible Tong For Physics Lab

Cat. No. Size Type Price DDRI-263 6 Stainless Steel 48.00 DDRI- 263-A 6 Mild Steel 37.00 DDRI- 263-B 8 Stainless Steel 65.00 DDRI- 263-C 8 Mild Steel 45.00 DDRI- 263-D 8 Stainless Steel Heavy- 95 DDRI- 263-E 8 Mild Steel Heavy 55.00 DDRI- 263-F 10 Stainless Steel 110.00 DDRI-263-G 10 Mild Steel 100.00

Product Image (DDRI-207)

TECLU BURNER For Physics Lab

Price: 640.00 INR/Piece

TECLU BURNER: Cat. No. Specification DDRI- 207 Made of brass pipe chrome plated, 12mm tube dia. Base Made of cast iron, with stop cock iron, with stop cock, Powder coated Price: 640.00

Product Image (DDRI-181)

Retort Stand For Chemistry Lab

Price: 240 INR/Piece

DDRI- 181 6X18X3/8 240.00 DDRI-181/1 7X5X24X3/8 275.00 DDRI-181/2 8X5X24X12MM 320.00 DDRI-181/3 8X5X24X12MM 370.00 DDRI-181/4 9X6X30X12MM 495.00 DDRI-181/5 10X6X30X12MM 560.00 DDRI-181/6 12X7X36X12MM 880.00 DDRI-181/7 12X8X36X12MM 920.00

Product Image (DDRI-250-A)

Macker Burner For Physics Lab

Price: 552 INR/Piece

DDRI- 205 Made of brass pipe C.P. Heavy cast iron base, powder coated, height 180 mm approx top dia 25mm with stop cock. 592.00 DDRI- 205-A Made of brass pipe C.P. Heavy cast iron base, powder coated, height 180 mm approx top dia 25mm without stop cock. 552.00

Product Image (DDRI - 06)

Lensometer Single Target For Medical lab

Price: 7500 INR/Piece


Product Image (DDRI- 10)

Lensometer Double Target For Medical lab

Price: 9850.00 INR/Piece


Product Image (DDRI 180)

Retort Stand Bending Base For Chemistry Lab

Price: 240 INR/Piece

Retort Stand Heavy Sheet Full Bending Base: Sheetthickness4mm.,Bottomedgescoveredwithrubbersleeves,chromeplatedrod. Model Specification Price DDRI-180 150X100X450X12 240.00 DDRI-181/1 200X125X12 336.00 DDRI-181/2 250X150X750X12 576.00

Product Image (DDRI 154)

Boss Head (Square) For Chemistry Lab

Price: 112 INR/Piece

T-typescrew,PowderCoated. Holdupto13mmdia.

Product Image (DDRI 152-A)

Boss Head Brass Cassting For Chemistry Lab

Price: 176 INR/Piece

Can hold upto 13mm dia. Chrome Plated

Product Image (DDRI 155)

Boss Head Aluminum Casting For Chemistry Lab

Price: 104 INR/Piece


Product Image (DDRI 153)

Boss Head Cast Iron Make Powder Coated For Chemistry Lab

Price: 56 INR/Piece

T-type screw, can hold upto 13mm dia

Product Image (DDRI153-A)

Boss Head Cast Iron Make Powder Coated 25mm dia For Chemistry Lab

Price: 112 INR/Piece

Boss Head T-typescrew,canholdupto25mmdia

Product Image (DDRI 152)

Boss Head Brass Cassting Superior Quality For Chemistry Lab

Boss Head Brass Cassting Superior Quality Can holdupto18mmdia.ChromePlated

Product Image (DDRI 153-A)

Boss Head Cast Iron Make For Chemistry Lab

Price: 88 INR/Piece


Product Image (DDRI117-A)

Clamp Co-Axial (Three prong) Brass moulding jaws For Chemistry Lab

Price: 544 INR/Piece

Brassmouldingjaws,SpringControlled adjustable brassnut,holdupto75mm dia,rodlength12" chrome plated

Product Image (DDRI118-A)

Condenser clamp For Physics Lab

Price: 305 INR/Piece

Aluminium casting Threefinger jaws, adjustable bytwoindependentscrew,rod12"—3/8,

Product Image (DDRI119)

Jumbo Clamp (Three prong) For Physics Lab

Price: 880 INR/Piece

Made of Brass casting jaws are rubber sleeves Chrome Finish Rod dia12" —3/8,Hold upto from 150mm diaarticles

Product Image (DDRI118)

Condenser Clamp with chrome plated mild steel rod For Physics Lab

Price: 680 INR/Piece

Condenser Clamp with chrome plated mild steel rod Mouldedbrass Threefinger jaws, adjustable bytwoindependentscrew,rod12"—3/8,

Product Image (DDRI117)

Clamp Co-Axial (Three prong) For Chemistry Lab

Price: 288 INR/Piece

Al-a l l oyjaws,SpringControlled adjustable brassnut chromeplated,holdupto75mmdia,rodlength12

Product Image (DDRI 151)

Boss Head Made For Chemistry Lab

Price: 60 INR/Piece

Made of Al-alloy die casting Mild steel with moulded Poly propolene thumb screw, holds upto 16 mm dia, powder coated finish.

Product Image (DDRI 152)

BOSS HEAD For Chemistry Lab

Price: 38 INR/Piece

Die Pressed Sheet made powder coated can hold upto 16mm dia

Product Image (DDR 151-A)

Boss Head die pressed one piece thumb screw For Chemistry Lab

Price: 52 INR/Piece

Made of Al-alloy die casting Mild steel wit h die pressed one piece thumb screw, holds upto 16 mm dia, powder coated finish

Product Image (DDRI115-A)

Three Prong Brass Clamp For Chemistry Lab

Price: 272 INR/Piece

Regular Quality, prongs covered with rubber tube, hold upto 90mm dia. 8" Rod made of mild steel, Brass Finish. Chrome Plated,

Product Image (DDRI116)

Condenser Clamp PVC dip coated For Physics Lab

Price: 288 INR/Piece

PVC dip coated, with thumb screw Made of brasshold upto 75mm dia, withM.S. Chrome Plated 9" rod,die casting,

Product Image (DDRI115-B)

Three pong Brass clamp For Physics Lab

Price: 112 INR/Piece

Boss Head Cast Iron, hold upto 18mm. with brass thumb screw.

Product Image (DDRI115)

Three Prong Brass Clamp prongs are covered with rubber tub For Physics Lab e

Price: 328 INR/Piece

Heavy Duty, Superior Quality, Bras made, Chrome Plated, prongs covered with rubber tube, hold upto90mm dia. 8" Rod made of mild steel, Brass Finish.

Product Image (DDRI 114)

Three Prong Aluminium Clamp For Physics Lab

Price: 136 INR/Piece

Al-alloy die casting, powder coated holds upto 90mm dia with 7" M.S. chrome pated rod

Product Image (DDRI110)

Four Finger Clamp (Cross Pattern) For Physics Lab For Physics Lab

Price: 120 EUR (€) /Piece

Made of al-alloycasting, hold upto90mm dia, with M.S.Chrome Plated 7" rod,

Product Image (DDRI111)

Four Finger Clamp Cross Pattern For Physics Lab

Price: 272 INR/Piece

PVC dip coated, with thumb screw Made of brasschrome plated, hold upto90mm dia, with M.S.Chrome Plated 7" rod,die casting,

Product Image (275)

Tetanus Set

Price: 1200 INR/Piece
  • Application:MEDICAL
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
Product Image (282)

Variable Interrupter

Price: 1500 INR/Piece
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
Product Image (292)

Serum Inspissators

Price: 7500 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Voltage:230 Volt (v)
Product Image (296)

Metabolic Cages

Price: 3600 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
Product Image (278)

Tablet Polishing Pan

Price: 2000 INR/Piece
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Week
Product Image (270)

Tincture Press

Price: 1500 INR/Piece

A Extra heavy for making tincture, decotions, infusions etc. Capacity 1 ltr. Stainless steel inner perforated vessel B Tincture Press Heavy

Product Image (269)

Tablet Making Machine Motorised

Price: 32000 INR/Piece
  • Color:Silver
  • Usage:For Making Tablet
  • Operate Method:Simple
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
Product Image (271)

Tele Thermometer

  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:10 Per Day
Product Image (268)

Tablet Making Machine Hand Operated

Price: 19500 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Week
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Color:Blue
  • Operate Method:By Hand
Product Image (213)

Bone Cutting Machine

Price: 84000 INR/Piece
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:10 Per Day
Product Image (241)

Rota Rod Apparatus

Price: 6000 INR/Piece
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
Product Image (233)

Operation Table For Animal

Price: 14000 INR/Piece

Now with all steel frame designed for greater stability steel top 127×45 cm. In two halves sloping towards their central drain, warming chamber, casters, moving handless with animal holder & stainless steel tray and two moveable uprights.

Product Image (228)

Leak Test Apparatus

Price: 12500 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Dimension (L*W*H):6 " Inch (in)
Product Image (220)

Electro Convulsometer

Price: 4300 INR/Piece

1. Simple 2. Digital

Product Image (249A)

Tablet Counter

Price: 450 INR/Paint
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
Product Image (211)

Bottle Cap Sealing Machine

Price: 11000 INR/Piece

We are successfully meeting the varied requirements of our clients by providing the best quality range of Bottle Cap Sealing Machine.

Product Image (242)

Respiration Pump

Price: 24000 INR/Piece
  • Dimension (L*W*H):6" x 9" x 12" Centimeter (cm)
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
Product Image (245)

Student Organ Bath

Price: 1500 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
Product Image (251)

Tablet Disintegration

Price: 3500 INR/Piece
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
Product Image (255)

Tablet Friability

Price: 3850 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
Product Image (263)

Tablet Dissolution

Price: 5200 MXN ($)/Piece
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
Product Image (219)

Dale Bath Apparatus

Price: 2100 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Material:Mild Steel
  • Dimension (L*W*H):9 x 6 x 8 Inch (in)
  • Usage:Laboratory
Product Image (237)

Piston Recorder

Price: 700 INR/Piece
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
Product Image (229)

Marry Tambour

Price: 300 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Dimension (L*W*H):18 Millimeter (mm)
Product Image (205A)

All Purpose Equipment

Price: 60000 INR/Piece
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:10 Per Day
Product Image (171A)

U.V Chromatography Inspection Cabinet

Price: 3000 INR/Piece

U.V.CHROMATOGRAPHY INSPECTION CABINET (Double Tube) :- For viewing and detecting prepared substances on T.L.C. layers fitted with two U.V tubes of different wave lengths, without filter, for use on 220volts AC. Separate lamp for visible light

Product Image (171A)

U.V Chromatography Inspection Cabinet

U.V.CHROMATOGRAPHY INSPECTION CABINET (Double Tube) :- For viewing and detecting prepared substances on T.L.C. layers fitted with two U.V tubes of different wave lengths, without filter, for use on 220volts AC. Separate lamp for visible light

Product Image (1130)

Biological Safety Cabinet

Price: 35000 INR/Piece

With sincerity and hard work of our professionals, we have carved a niche for ourselves in this domain by providing a premium quality gamut of Biosafety Cabinet.

Product Image (1131)

Fume Hood

Price: 128000 INR/Piece

We are leading manufacturer, exporter, trader, distributor and supplier of Fume Hood to our respected clients. We manufactured these using top quality materials that are procured from reliable vendors in the market. Our variety of products can be made to measure suit the requirement of the client. We also offer these products in various specifications led by the client and also make them available at economical

Product Image (1127)

Horizontal Laminar Air Flow

Price: 24000 INR/Piece
  • Equipment Materials:Wooden, Stainless Steel , Mild Steel
  • Dimension (L*W*H):2"x 2" x 2" Inch (in)
  • Supply Ability:10 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
Product Image (1128)

Vertical Laminar Air Flow Cabinet

Price: 64000 INR/Piece
  • Dimension (L*W*H):2"x 2" x 2" Inch (in)
  • Equipment Materials:Wooden, Stainless Steel , Mild Steel
  • Supply Ability:10 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
Product Image (1129)

Dispensing and Sampling Booth

Price: 30000 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:10 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
Product Image (1126)

Environmental Chamber Humidity Cabinet

Price: 48500 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:10 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Capacity:95 Liter/day
  • Dimension (L*W*H):455 x 455 x 455 Millimeter (mm)
  • Temperature Range:5 to 50 Celsius (oC)
Product Image (1135)

COD Digestion With Digital Temperature controller and Digital Timer

Price: 24500 INR/Piece

To determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand. It is a solid state block heated unit with provision for samples to be digested at a time in 38 mm. dia reaction vessels with 20 ml sample size of heat at temp. of 150°C + 1°C controlled by solid state digital temp. indicator-cum controller Micro Processor Based (P.I.D.). It has provision for 15 samples and is supplied with 15 nos. glass reaction vessels and 15 nos. air condensers. Fitted with a 2 hour timer, the samples after being digested for 2 hours can be analyzed using calorimeter or conventional titration method. To work on 220/230 volts AC.

Product Image (1034)

Kjeldahl Digestion Unit & Distillation Unit ( Combined)

Price: 6150 INR/Piece

Kjeldhal Digestion and Distillation Unit Combined : "DDRI" Provides best quality One single mild steel tubular stand is provided with heating shelves one above and other on lower portion. A fume duct and heater box are supplied for digestion part. The heaters are individual ON/OFF switched in the upper portion. Another heat box with condenser rack rod and tubes are given for distillation part. The whole unit is electrically operated on 220/230 volt A.C. also provides glass parts

Product Image (1033)

Kjeldahl Distillation Unit

Price: 3800 INR/Piece

Heating mantle type to get quick heating most suitable for all types of digestion & distillation condenser rack for water circulation in condenser. Fume duck pipe made of Stainless steel for driving away fumes operating on 230 Volts

Product Image (1030)

Vacuum Pump ( Oil Free)

Price: 4200 INR/Piece

Salient Features: · No Lubrication required · Noiseless Performance · Absolutely Portable · Totally Oil-free construction · Practically maintenance free · All parts made from special graded Aluminum die cast material for light weight and good strength · Diaphragms are made of special 2-Ply Nylon reinforced neophrene rubber · Special diaphragms available (TEFLON/VITON etc.)

Product Image (1031)

Soxhlet Extraction Unit ( Mantel Type)

Price: 2500 INR/Piece

A The Unit of 3 mantles rating 600 watts. B The Unit of 6 mantels rating 1200 watts.

Product Image (1028)

Stomacher Blender

Price: 130000 INR/Piece

Sterile homogenizer is also called flapping homogenizer or stomacher blender, widely used in homogenization treatment for animal tissue, biological samples, etc. It plays an important part in food, medicine, cosmetics, clinical, molecular, toxin and bacteria test, especially in microorganism testing sample preparation. Features 1.LCD display, microcomputer control. 2.Intelligent program control, able to set the flapping time and speed. 3.Adjustable flapping spacing, easy to process samples with different amount. 4.Disposable sterile bag guarantees hygiene and safety. 5.Toughened glass window, easy to observe. 6.With anti-pinch function and pause function.

Product Image (1031)

Soxhlet Extraction Unit ( Mantel Type)

Price: 2500 INR/Piece

A The Unit of 3 mantles rating 600 watts. B The Unit of 6 mantels rating 1200 watts.

Product Image (1032)

Kjeldahl Digestion Unit

Price: 2800 INR/Piece

Complete with heating box and fume duct. The 500 watt heaters are six inches apart having individual ON/OFF switches and energy regulators. The height of the clamps in adjustable to accommodate Kjeldhal Flasks of 300ml, 500ml or 800ml. With specially designed fume duct to totally avoid leakage of fumes with 24/29 cone adapters for openings suitable to fit Kjeldhal Flasks having 24/29 socke. Kindly place order for Kjeldhal Flasks extra as per requirement. (Heater Type or Mantle Type, Optional) To work on 220/230 Volts AC supply.

Product Image (1029)

Vacuum Pump

Price: 9000 INR/Piece

Our organization deals in offering an extensive range of this Vacuum Pump which can also be customized as per the specification give by clients. These are fabricated using best grade raw materials and acknowledged for the durability, reliability and high quality features. These vacuum pumps are widely praised for its various special features and superb performance. Light weighted these vacuum pumps are very easy to use and carry. It facilitates smooth functioning with low noise output and low vibration

Product Image (FM 107)

Impact Of Jet On Vanes Apparatus

Price: 20000 INR/Piece

The Set-up consists of two sided clear fabrication. Water is fed through a nozzle and discharged vertically to strike a target carried on a stem, which extends through the cover. A weight carrier is mounted on the upper end of the stem. The dead weight of the moving parts is counter balanced by a compression spring. The vertical force exerted on the target plate is measured by adding the weights supplied to the weight pan until the mark on the weight pan corresponds with the level gauge. A total of two targets are provided a flat plat and a hemispherical cup. EXPERIMENTS:- Ø To measure the force developed by a jet of water impinging upon a different targets (Hemispherical & Flat Plate) and comparison with the forces predicted by the momentum theory. UTILITIES REQUIRED: - Ø Water Supply & Drain Ø Electricity Supply: Single Phase, 220 VAC, 0.5 kW TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION: - Ø Test Plates : Material Brass (2 Nos.) 1. Flat Plate 2. Hemispherical Cup Ø Nozzle : Material Brass Ø Stainless Steel Chamber : Having of opposite sides made of glass Ø Water Circulation : FHP Pump, Crompton / Sharp make Ø Flow Measurement : Using Measuring Tank with Piezometer,Capacity 40 Ltrs. Ø Sump Tank : Capacity 60 Ltrs. Ø Stop Watch : Electronic Ø Control Panel : On / Off Switch, Mains Indicator etc. Ø The whole Set-up is well designed and arranged in a good quality painted Structure

Product Image (FM 104)

Venturimeter and Orifice Meter Calibration Set up

Price: 20000 INR/Piece

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: – Ø Venturimeter : Material Clear Acrylic, Compatible to 1” Dia pipe Ø Orificemeter : Material Clear Acrylic, Compatible to 1” Dia. Pipe Ø Water Circulation : FHP Pump, Crompton / Sharp make Ø Flow Measurement : Using Measuring Tank, Capacity 25 Ltrs. Ø Sump Tank : Capacity 50 Ltrs. Ø Stop Watch : Electronic Ø Control Panel : On / Off Switch, Mains Indicator etc. Ø Tanks will be made of Stainless Steel Ø The whole Set-up is well designed and arranged in a good quality painted Structure

Product Image (1027)

Air Sampler

Price: 162000 INR/Piece

Airborne Biological Sampling is a porous-absorbing type device for sampling airborne biological and works with high efficiency, and is designed on basic of isokinetic sampling principle. The wind speed at the inlet on the sampling head is consistent with the one in clean room so it can sample directly and rapidly to reflect the biological concentration of room. When sampling, the airborne biological absorbed by the micro-holes with high speed and is bumped on the surface of agar in Petri dish. After dynamic hydration process, the microbes grow very fast thus as the sampling result will be gotten in short time. Specification : 1. There are numberless micro-holes on the sampling head to make the microbes spread on agar evenly to reduce the counting difference. 2. Sampling flow: 100L/min. 3. Flow speed at inlet on sampling head: 0.38m/s, which is nearly consistent with the wind speed in room. (isokinetic sampling). 4. The sampling amount can be set up from 0.01 to 2.0 m³. 5. Use standard Petri dish (Φ90*15) 6. Power Supply: AC&DC; battery should be charged with DC (7.8V) and could work consistently for 3h after charging.

Product Image (FM102)

Bernoulli's Theorem Apparatus

Price: 20000 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:10 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Voltage:230 Volt (v)
Product Image (FM 103)

Discharge Over Notches Apparatus

Price: 22000 INR/Piece

Our company is counted among the leading manufacturers and traders of high-quality Discharge Over Notches. Manufactured using the best quality raw materials under proper supervision, this apparatus is used for the purpose of testing and demonstrating the industrial machinery. Offered apparatus is highly demanded in the market for its easy installation, simple functionality and nominal market price. Experiments: To determine co-efficient of discharge using different notches Utilities Required: Water supply Tap water connection BSP Distilled water @ 60 litres (optional) Floor Area with Drain facility

Product Image (FM 108)

Pitot Static Tube Set-up

Price: 20000 INR/Piece

A Pitot tube is used to measure the local velocity at a given point in the flow stress. A Pitot tube of standard design made of copper / SS is supplied and is fixed below Vernier scale. The Vernier scale is capable to measure the position of Pitot tube in transparent pipe section. The pipe has a flow control valve to regulate the flow. A U-tube manometer is provided to determine the velocity head. Present Set-up is self-contained water re-circulating unit, provided with a sump tank and a centrifugal pump etc. Flow control valve and by-pass valve are fitted in water line to conduct the experiment on different flow rates. Flow rate of water is measured with the help of measuring tank and stop watch TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION: - Ø Pitot Tube : Material Copper/SS of compatible size fitted with Vernier Scale Ø Test Section : Material Clear Acrylic, Compatible to 1” Dia. Pipe Ø Water Circulation : FHP Pump, Crompton / Sharp make Ø Flow Measurement : Using Measuring Tank, Capacity 40 Ltrs. Ø Sump Tank : Capacity 70 Ltrs. Ø Stop Watch : Electronic Ø Control Panel : On / Off Switch, Mains Indicator etc. Ø The whole Set-up is well designed and arranged in a good quality painted Structure

Product Image (FM 106)

Friction In Pipe Lines Apparatus

Price: 20000 INR/Piece

Friction Pipe Lines Apparatus Sigma-075FPL:- The Set-up consists of 2 pipes of different diameters, which are connected in parallel. Pressure tapings are provided on each pipe to measure the pressure losses with the help of a Differential Manometer. Control valves are fitted on each pipe, which enables to use one pipe at a time for experiment. Present set-up is self-contained water re-circulating unit, provided with a sump tank and a centrifugal pump etc. Flow control valve and by-pass valve are fitted in water line to conduct the experiment on different flow rates. Flow rate of water is measured with the help of measuring tank and stop watch. UTILITIES REQUIRED: - Ø Water Supply & Drain. Ø Electricity Supply: Single Phase, 220 VAC, 0.5 kW. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION: - Ø Pipes (2 Nos.) : Material GI of ½ “ & 1” Diameter. Ø Pipe Test Section : Length 1 m Ø Water Circulation : FHP Pump, Crompton / Sharp make. Ø Flow Measurement : Using Measuring Tank with Piezometer,Capacity 25 Ltrs. Ø Sump Tank : Stainless Steel, Capacity 50 Ltrs. Ø Stop Watch : Mechanical / Electronic. Ø Control Panel : On / Off Switch, Mains Indicator etc. The whole Set-up is well designed and arranged in a good quality painted Structure

Product Image (FM 110)

Study Of Flow Measurement Devices

Price: 40000 INR/Piece

Measurement of liquid flow is required at various places and for various purposes. Different types of flow measuring devices are used depending upon the system conditions, accuracy required, skill of operator and economy desired. The unit demonstrates some of the flow measurement devices. SPECIFICATIONS (1) lntergratiry Type Turbine flow meter. (2) Glass Tube Rotameter. 13) Orifice meter differential manometer. (4) Venturimeter (5) Measuring Tan (6) Slop Watch (Digital) (7) 112 HP Monoblock Pump. (8) A differential manometer. (9) Sump tank of suitable capacity.

Product Image (FM 109)

Orifice and Mouthpiece Apparatus

Price: 20000 INR/Piece

An orifice is an opening made in the side or bottom of tank, having a closed perimeter, through which the fluid may be discharged. A mouthpiece is short tube fitted to a same size circular opening provided in a tank so that fluid may be discharged through it. Orifice and mouthpiece are used to measure the rate of flow of liquid. The apparatus is designed to measure the co-efficient of discharge of orifice & mouthpiece. The apparatus consists of a supply tank, at the side of which a universal fixture for mounting orifice or mouthpiece is attached. A centrifugal pump supplied the water to supply tank. Head over the orifice/mouthpiece is controlled by a by pass valve provided at pump discharge. A measuring tank is provided to measure the discharge. A gauge for measuring X and Y co-ordinates of jet from the orifice is provided, which is used to calculate Cv of orifice. SPECIFICATIONS: [1] Supply Tank - 0.4 X 0.3 X 0.5m height [2] Orifice - 8mm and 10 mm. [3] Mouthpiece (a) LID = 4 (b) L/D = 1 (c) Bordas mouthpiece. (d) Convergent mouthpiece. [4] X-Y gauge for orifice jet co-ordinates. [5] Measuring tank of suitable capacity OR a calibrated water flow meter. [6] Sump tank of suitable capacity. [7] 0.5 HP pump with valve. A technical manual accompanies the unit. SERVICES REQUIRED: [1] Flow surface 2 mtrs. X 1 mtr. X 1.5 mtrs. height. [2] 230 Volts, 5 Amp. Stabilized AC. Power Supply.

Product Image (1025)

Medico Centrifuge

Price: 1600 INR/Piece

Medico Centrifuges: with swing out Rotor head for 15ml and 5 step speed regulator, supply 230 volts, single phase 50 Hz, AC/DC. Maximum speed (RPM) 0 to 3600, Heavy body and motor available in three model

Product Image (1026)

Laboratory Centrifuge Rectangular

Price: 5550 INR/Piece

CENTRIFUGE RECTANGULAR (Research) 4000 to 5000 r.p.m. fitted with electronic solid state Digital speed regulator top cover made of transparent acrylic sheet cord & plug. Capacity 4 x 15ml tubes 6 x 15ml tubes 8 x 15ml tubes 12 x 15ml tubes OPTIONAL :- Automatic Timer (Digital) Automatic Timer (Manual)

Product Image (138 G)

Melting Point Apparatus Microprocessor Controlled

Price: 34200 INR/Piece

Visualization Technique Suitable for Dark Colored / any colored samples. Silicon Oil Bath Heating Type, Temp. Range : Up to 300ºC, Suitable for Melting / Boiling Point, Readability in ºC, Resolution 1ºC, Programmable, Visual provision by Optical Magnifier, Automatic Ramp Rate Proceeding, Auto Gradient Rate of Heating Control, Sample Capacity 3 samples. The unit consists of a built in magnetic stirrer, glare free background illuminator and cylindrical silicon oil bath. The silicon oil bath consists of a plain cylindrical container of corning glass having capacity of about 200 ml. It is furnished with a Ptfe cover fitted with special type of oil immersion heater, having three small holes for holding the capillaries, one big hole for thermometer and another big hole for boiling point tube / Temp. Sensors for calibration purposes. A variable speed stirrer is fitted in it. The apparatus can be used for determination of boiling points, Temp. effect on viscosity /flow points and molecular weights by Rast’s method with suitable accessories. Melting View : Magnifying display of melting operation with the help of adjustable magnifying glass, Melting point reading hold on by activating the “HOLD” key & reading is protected from power failure till “RESET” is not activated.

Product Image (138D)

Melting Point Apparatus Automatic

Auto Melting Point Apparatus is fabricated using the latest microcontroller technology and advanced engineering techniques. It features microcontroller based digital display and soft touch membrane type keys ensuring accurate display of results and easy operation. Also, Auto Melting Point Apparatus has programmable plateau temperature and heating ramp rates. Further, Auto Melting Point Apparatus facilitates storage of up to 100 results. Features : Easy to operate 4 digit seven segment LED display Programmable plateau temperature Programmable ramp rates Storage up to 100 results Quick cooling with integrated fan Audio visual indicators for system status

Product Image (139)

Pipette Washer

Price: 2880 INR/Piece

PIPETTE WASHER (Automatic) Siphon principle is used to fabricated this equipment. Large size pipettes washable automatically in clinical, serological labs etc. Washing cylinder 63x15 cm (dia made of stainless steel sheet is mounted on base of 26 cm dia. pipette holder is removable.This accommodates pipettes upto 375 cm lengths.

Product Image (138D)

Melting Point Apparatus Automatic

Price: 27750 INR/Piece

Auto Melting Point Apparatus is fabricated using the latest microcontroller technology and advanced engineering techniques. It features microcontroller based digital display and soft touch membrane type keys ensuring accurate display of results and easy operation. Also, Auto Melting Point Apparatus has programmable plateau temperature and heating ramp rates. Further, Auto Melting Point Apparatus facilitates storage of up to 100 results. Features : Easy to operate 4 digit seven segment LED display Programmable plateau temperature Programmable ramp rates Storage up to 100 results Quick cooling with integrated fan Audio visual indicators for system status

Product Image (DDRI 138C)

Melting Point Apparatus : Digital ( Economical)

Price: 11000 INR/Piece

Microprocessor Visualization Technique Suitable for Dark Colored / any colored samples. Suitable for Melting / Boiling Point, Readability in 1ºC, Resolution 1ºC, Programmable, Visual provision by Optical Magnifier, Automatic Ramp Rate Proceeding, Auto Gradient Rate of Heating Control. Melting View : Magnifying display of melting operation with the help of magnifying glass, Melting point reading hold on by activating the “MELT” key & reading is protected from power failure till “RESET” is not activated. Temp. Range: Ambient to 350°C Display: 3 Digits Resolution:1°C Temp. Sensor:Grade “A” PT-100, Platinum Sensor Sample Capacity : 3-4 Samples Temp. Control: Microprocessor controlled closed loop PID Power Supply: 230V ± 10% AC, 50HZ Ramp Rates : 2°C to 10°C/ minute (Selectable Auto-Low-High) Suitable for Dark Colored / all kind or any colored Samples,

Product Image (DDRI137)

Platform Type Rotary Shaker

Price: 9720 INR/Piece

This is compact bench top model with platform fitted with rubber discs for continues shaking of solutions in flasks of various sizes, mounted on heavy angle iron frame speed is controlled by electronic speed controller. Platform size in cm Holding cap. Motor in HP A. 45x45cm 25 flasks of 100 ml 0.25 B. 45x45cm 15 flasks of 250 ml 0.25 C. 55x55cm 25 flasks of 250 ml 0.25 D. 65x65cm 36 flasks of 250 ml 0.25 E. 90x90cm 49 flasks of 250 ml 1.00 F. 100x100cm 81 flasks of 250 ml 1.00 G. 100x100cm 81 flasks of 500 ml 1.00

Product Image (DDRI 132)

Slide Warming Table

Price: 2400 INR/Piece

Thermostatically controlled uniform temp. from room to 80°C top made of anodized aluminium/stainless steel. Top Plate Size (Length x Width) A. 30 x 25 cm (12" x 10") B. 40 x 25 cm (16" x 10") C. 60 x 15 cm (18" x 12")

Product Image (DDRI 131)

Hot Plates

Price: 1200 INR/Piece

Hot Plate Shape - Round Size - 20 cm (8") dia Other sizes are also available 1) Round shape (Double) Two Plates of 20 cm (8") dia 2) Coil Type , 20 cm (8") dia . Note : Sunvic energy regulator extra cost.

Product Image (DDRI 1361D)

Rectangular Hot Plate

Price: 1700 INR/Piece

Hot Plates (Rectangular) Shape : Rectangular Dimensions : 30 x 25 cm (12"x 10") Following Standard sizes are also available:- 40 x 25 cm ( 16" x 10") 45 x 30 cm ( 18" x 12") 60 x 45 cm ( 24" x 18")

Product Image (DDRI129)

Tissue Homogenizer

Price: 3000 INR/Piece

Tissue homogenizer for homogenizing vessel 25ml. 1/20 HP motor speed controlled. Complete with tissue homogenizing cup and rod is made of stainless steel. Other are also available Tissue homogenizer for homogenizing vessel 50ml. Tissue homogenizer for homogenizing vessel 100ml.

Product Image (DDRI 128)

Laboratory Stirrer

Price: 2800 INR/Piece

A wide range of Laboratory Magnetic Stirrers for every possible application. The stirrers can be used in laboratories and industrial environments with options for every price point. Optional : Automatic 0-60 minutes Timer

Product Image (DDRI130)

Heating Mantle

Price: 300 INR/Piece

Heating Mantels is available with energy regulators. These are provided with hand knitted heating nets of Glass yarn which are joint-less to with stand high.The Panel is provided with the on-off switch, energy control knob, Pilot lamp etc. Capacity Wattage 50ml 60 100ml 60 250ml 150 500ml 200 1 litre 300 2 litre 450 3 litre 450 5 litre 600 10 litre 2 x 500 20 litre 4 x 500

Product Image (DDRI127)

Magnetic Stirrer

Price: 1600 INR/Piece

Stainless Steel Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate

Product Image (DDRI 52-02)

PCR Cabinet with HEPA Filter & UV Light

Price: 72000 INR/Piece

Filter HEPA Filter Light Source UV 15/30W

Product Image (DDRI5201)

PCR Cabinet Wooden

Price: 18000 INR/Piece

Brand : DDRI Light Source UV Lights and LED Light. Model Name/Number DDRI- 5201 / 5202 PCR WARK STATION

Product Image (DDRI126A)

High Temperature Muffle Furnace

Price: 46800 INR/Piece

The unit is specifically designed to meet the requirement of High Temperature 14000C, the casting is made of M.S. reinforced with iron plates duly painted, chamber made of Ceramic Zirconium board and elements are placed horizontally in the chamber.

Product Image (DDRI400-05)

Portable Uv Disinfection Chamber

Price: 9500 INR/Piece

Material : SS Brand : DDRI Size 16"x11"x11" Light Type UVC

Product Image (DDRI125)

Rectangular Muffle Furnace

Price: 9500 INR/Piece

Max Temperature (degree Celsius) 900-1000 Brand DDRI

Product Image (DDRI 126)

Rectangular Muffle Furnace

Price: 22000 INR/Piece

Chamber Size : 225x100x100mm Working Temperature : 1200 C Minimum Order Quantity : 01 Piece

Product Image (DDR 107)

Incubator Bacteriological

Price: 3750 INR/Piece

With the rich industry exposure, we engaged in offering a wide range of Incubators Bacteriological to our clients. The double walled chamber is filled with high – grade insulation to prevent heat losses.

Product Image (DDRI106)

Oven Vaccum

Price: 15600 INR/Piece

Inside chamber made of stainless steel & outside mild steel.

Product Image (DDRI601)

3 Ply Face Mask

Price: 2.00 INR/Piece

3 ply face mask with nose pin ultrasonic

Product Image (DDRI 520)


Price: 300 INR/Bottle
Product Image (102)

Digital Vernier Calliper

Price: 1150 INR
  • Display Type:Digital
  • Delivery Time:Ready Stock
  • Supply Ability:Per week
Product Image (104)

Incubator Digital Controller

Price: 22000 INR
  • Delivery Time:Ready Stock
  • Supply Ability:Per week
Product Image (105)

Glass Bead Sterilizer

Price: 6500 INR
  • Delivery Time:Ready Stock
  • Supply Ability:Per week
Product Image (103)

PH Meter with Automatic Temperature Control

Price: 5900 INR
  • Supply Ability:Per week
  • Delivery Time:Ready Stock
  • Display Type:Digital
Product Image (DDRI- 295)

Resonance Apparatus For Physics Lab

Price: 1360.00 INR

Resonance App.: SS / Brass Pipe 1 Mtr. SS / Brass pipe and meter scale fitted on wooden board with metal cup and Cast Iron base.

Product Image (101)

Hot Air Oven Universal Memmert Type

Price: 3600 INR

Standard double wall fabrication. Inner chamber made of richly anodized aluminum or highly polished stainless steel sheet. Chamber size - (300x300x300) Dimensions - (12"x12"x12") Capacity - 28 litre approx Other sizes are also available.

Product Image (FM 101)

Reynold S Apparatus

Price: 24000 INR

The Set-up is designed to verify Reynold’s Apparatus experimentally.

Product Image (108)

Algo Meter

Price: 2200 INR
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
Product Image (59)

Breeding Nest For Chrysopa

Price: 3000 INR/Piece
  • Dimension (L*W*H):60 x 60 x 30 Centimeter (cm)
Product Image (72)

Co-axial Binocular Microscope

Price: 12000 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Week
  • Delivery Time:1 Week

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